How it works

We’ll ask you a few quick questions regarding the number of people likely to be connected to your office Wi-Fi at any one time.

We’ll also ask you about the number of connected devices per person (for example, most people have a phone and a laptop that they’ll connect whilst at work), and we’ll ask about the type of work they do.

Once we have all of that information, we’ll be able to provide you with the approximate bandwidth your business needs to thrive.

How much bandwidth does your business need?

Max users
Total users during peak times

We recommend this includes the following:

Power users
e.g. Engineers, Finance, Designer, IT
Normal users
e.g. Legal, PR, Marketing, Sales
Light users
e.g. Admin, Customer Service

Based on the following services used:

All users

Email and web browsing
Cloud services
Music streaming
Video streaming*
*based on average usage at any one time

Power and normal users

Video conferencing, VoIP

Power only users

Downloading/uploading large files
Powered by WiredScore

We recommend:

This includes a 20% future capacity increase and is based on a requirement of Mbps
Recommendation based on:
  • Max users
  • Power users
  • Normal users
  • Light users
  • Email and web browsing
  • Cloud services
  • Music streaming
  • Video streaming*
  • Video conferencing, VoIP
  • Downloading/uploading large files
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