What we measure

Our scorecard has been designed to assess each and every building against the outcomes and benefits expected of a smart building.

SmartScore was created in collaboration with the owners and users of the world’s most advanced properties. The WiredScore Smart Council, a group of leading landlords, occupiers and advisors, was created and consulted throughout the development process. In addition, our set of criteria was refined with our Research Advisors, a group of technical experts ranging from solution providers to consultants and integrators.

The scorecard consists of two sections:

User functionality and Technological foundations

User functionality

This section of the scorecard assesses to what extent the building delivers the outstanding outcomes users expect.

Access and navigation

Access and navigation

Creating a seamless journey from building entrance to workspace

Health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing

Creating safer and healthier working environments.



Improving and reporting on the sustainability of the building.

Communities and services

Communities and services

Placing community, services and information into the hands of users.

Maintenance and operations

Maintenance and operations

Optimizing the building’s space and systems.

Safety and security

Safety and security

Providing a safer place to work and innovate.

This section of the scorecard assesses to what extent the building delivers the outstanding outcomes users expect.


Technological foundations

This section of the scorecard assesses to what extent the building’s technology, processes and procedure are robust and future-proof across six categories:

Building systems interoperability

How the building’s systems are integrated and communicate with each other


How the building’s cybersecurity requirements are defined and implemented

Building data management

How the building’s data is securely collected, stored and analysed

This section of the scorecard assesses to what extent the building’s technology, processes and procedure are robust and future-proof across six categories:

Certification levels

SmartScore certification provides clarity on what constitutes a smart building, guidance on how to achieve the status, and proof of the value it adds to your asset. Our methods of measurement are fair, thorough and independently verified.

Find out more about SmartScore certification

SmartScore certification
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