Insights 2025
Trusted by leading landlords in over 40 countries
Stand out from the crowd with a certification from WiredScore. Deliver and manage best-in-class buildings that will attract and retain top quality occupiers, and prove your commitment to providing a future-ready environment.
WiredScore has certified over 4000 buildings around the world. Find out which buildings have achieved certification in XX.
landlords & developers
square feet certified
people use WiredScore-certified buildings
Join a globally recognized network of leaders in digital connectivity and smart technology. Develop your knowledge and skills to deliver more value to your clients.
Accredited Solutions are technology providers that have been aligned with SmartScore certification standards, so you can procure their solutions with confidence, and achieve your SmartScore certification goals.
“Both WiredScore and SmartScore certifications provide a detailed gap analysis, allowing building owners to focus their capital expenditure on making their buildings smarter and better connected.