SmartScore is launching and you’re invited!


3 / 31 / 2021


For the last eight years, WiredScore has been demystifying the complex world of technology in the built environment. Within that time, the real estate industry has evolved considerably, and so have user expectations. There now exists a demand for more inspiring, sustainable, cost-efficient and future proof spaces, all under the banner of ‘smart buildings’.

WiredScore’s brand new certification for smart buildings, SmartScore, champions cutting edge technology in real estate and providing a global standard, identifies best in class smart buildings that deliver exceptional user experiences, drive cost efficiencies, meet high standards of sustainability and are fully future-proof.

So join us at the launch of SmartScore and hear from some of the most forward-thinking individuals in the smart building space on how real estate is changing and how smart buildings can respond to these changes in a lively panel discussion.


  • Our vision for a smarter future. An introduction by WiredScore’s CEO, Arie Barendrecht and President, William Newton.
  • What is a smart building? WiredScore’s Technical Director, Sanjaya Ranasinghe discusses the building functionalities and technical foundations that make up a smart building.
  • SmartScore launch buildings revealed.
  • Panel discussion: Smart buildings. A global industry leaders perspective.
  • Closing remarks.

SmartScore was created in collaboration with the owners and users of the world’s most advanced properties and is designed to champion cutting-edge technology in real estate. Find out more about the WiredScore Smart Council.

We look forward to welcoming you on the 20th of April 2021.

Join us

Join us at the launch of SmartScore and hear from some of the most forward-thinking individuals in the smart building space.

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