grasblau x BlueRange – a smart collaboration


5 / 13 / 2024


Nestled in the vibrant district of Berlin-Kreuzberg, grasblau stands as a pinnacle of modern innovation in commercial real estate. This forward-thinking architectural gem is testament to the power of collaboration between WiredScore client CA Immo and WiredScore Accredited Solution, BlueRange. 

BlueRange joined WiredScore’s Accredited Solutions program in 2023. To become accredited, their solution was rigorously assessed against the SmartScore scorecard criteria, to identify which smart building user outcomes it delivers. The Accredited Solutions program is designed to give SmartScore certification clients, such as CA Immo, confidence in the smart building outcomes they’re unlocking by buying a solution such as BlueRange. It also streamlines the certification process as the solution is pre-scored against the scorecard.

grasblau achieved a remarkable 97 out of 100 credits in the SmartScore certification assessment. The integration of BlueRange’s solutions was the digital foundation for this achievement, enabling CA Immo to realize its smart building concept and provide its tenants with an efficient and comfortable working environment.

grasblau has achieved almost 100% occupancy of rentable space thanks to the enhanced occupier experience it delivers.

grasblau achieved a remarkable 97 out of 100 credits in the SmartScore certification assessment. The integration of BlueRange’s solutions was the digital foundation for this achievement, enabling CA Immo to realize its smart building concept and provide its tenants with an efficient and comfortable working environment.

grasblau has achieved almost 100% occupancy of rentable space thanks to the enhanced occupier experience it delivers.

BlueRange supported CA Immo to achieve credits towards the SmartScore scorecard in the following areas:

  • BlueRange offers an interface that allows users to interact with building functionalities and services. This includes innovative use cases such as digital access authorization, locating people in the building or monitoring and controlling indoor air quality. Users are also able to operate these actions conveniently via their smartphone. 

SmartScore certification criteria: TF1:4 Occupier experience platform 

  • BlueRange’s occupancy dashboards help occupiers understand how specific areas of the building are being used. With this solution, users can easily access real-time and historical usage data at room-level, allowing them to make more informed decisions about how to optimize the existing space for safer and more comfortable use. 

SmartScore certification criteria: UF6.2 Building utilization 

  • BlueRange empowers users to personalize their workplace environments and optimize factors such as lighting, temperature and air quality for improved wellbeing and increased productivity. This user-friendly system offers advanced control options via your own smartphone or the BlueRange IoT platform, ensuring an all-round sense of well-being in modern offices.

SmartScore certification criteria: UF2.3 Occupier Comfort Control

Want to find out more about the SmartScore framework?

Click here to preview our scorecards.

At BlueRange, we are proud to be part of CA Immo's philosophy of not just keeping up with the times, but actively driving and shaping it. grasblau embodies this approach on three levels: Be Sustainable, Stay Well and Move Forward.

Christian Pappenburger
Innovation Manager at BlueRange

grasblau x Blue Range - driving and shaping the future

By connecting BlueRange’s intelligent presence sensors within grasblau’s Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) lights, CA Immo were able to reduce data cables within the building by 90%. 

The lights are equipped with motion and brightness sensors for automatic decentralized lighting control. The sensor data can also be used to fulfill additional use cases such as creating a live motion heat map or occupancy dashboards. It is also possible to integrate additional sensors to monitor and optimize air quality or to support the automation of blinds, heating and cooling systems to create an efficient and comfortable working environment.

The key to success is to connect as many technologies, protocols and systems as possible, especially in modern buildings like grasblau. This principle is at the heart of both the SmartScore framework and the BlueRange philosophy, which advocate for a holistic design approach as the optimal strategy for forward-thinking clients. Through this comprehensive design methodology, CA Immo successfully attained SmartScore Platinum, securing an impressive score of 97 out of 100 for grasblau, exemplifying the effectiveness of this integrated approach. 

The key to success is to connect as many technologies, protocols and systems as possible, especially in modern buildings like grasblau. This principle is at the heart of both the SmartScore framework and the BlueRange philosophy, which advocate for a holistic design approach as the optimal strategy for forward-thinking clients. Through this comprehensive design methodology, CA Immo successfully attained SmartScore Platinum, securing an impressive score of 97 out of 100 for grasblau, exemplifying the effectiveness of this integrated approach. 

The digitalisation of properties is hugely important to us: it enables us and our tenants to operate and use the buildings and rental spaces much more efficiently and therefore in a more environmentally friendly way. It also increases convenience for tenants and thus their satisfaction with our property. This requires competent and reliable partners who can implement digitalisation concepts. We have found such a partner in BlueRange.

Sonja Bischoff
Head of CA Immo Berlin

BlueRange and CA Immo continue to work closely together to develop additional digital use cases for tenants based on the constantly evolving SmartScore Best Practice Guide. 

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