There has never been a better time to become a WiredScore Accredited Professional


6 / 21 / 2021


If COVID-19 taught us anything at all, it’s that we depend on digital connectivity to maintain our personal and professional relationships. The global pandemic has catalyzed a public trend that’s filtered into the commercial and residential real estate markets: an exponential increase in tenant demand for resilient and reliable in-building digital connectivity.

Remote collaboration, learning and sales, and an increased need for cloud computing infrastructure have arisen as our ‘new normal’ working behaviours. This significant shift in our professional habits led Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, to exclaim that Microsoft had seen “two years’ worth of digital transformation occur in just the two months” from January to March 2020.

Connectivity is business-critical. Now, real estate has the opportunity to transform the working world by offering businesses reliable and resilient digital connectivity to enable seamless business continuity, and WiredScore’s Accredited Professionals are leading the way.

What is an Accredited Professional, and who can become one?

WiredScore’s network of Accredited Professionals (APs) are at the forefront of driving awareness of the importance of digital connectivity in the development, and ongoing maintenance, of real estate.

Our APs derive from a diverse range of professional backgrounds, boasting engineers, project managers, certification consultants, asset managers and students.

We work closely with our APs to provide them with best-in-class training and regular thought leadership on digital connectivity. We empower them to advise their clients on how to design, maintain and refurbish buildings with the digital technologies landlords need to meet their tenants’ demands.

Our AP network is currently active in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, the Netherlands and Australia, with exciting plans to expand into new markets in the near future.

Considering becoming a WiredScore AP? Here are the top three benefits:

  1. Deliver greater value to your clientsA recent Gartner report found that one hour of internet downtime costs a business, on average, $300,000 in lost productivity. As more businesses are moving some if not all of their technology stack to the Cloud, it is becoming increasingly important to them that their landlords provide them with the infrastructure for reliable and resilient internet to avoid downtime.

    As a WiredScore AP, you will have the knowledge and skills you need to help your clients mitigate their risk of a connectivity outage. You will be uniquely-placed to advise your clients on how they can design future-proofed new developments and upgrade their existing buildings to stand the test of time, ensuring their buildings meet the needs of their tenants now and in the future.

  2. Develop your knowledge and skills
    When you sign up to become a WiredScore AP, you will receive industry-leading training from our team of digital connectivity experts. They will guide you through the WiredScore certification products, and provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to help your clients.You will also get access to our library of online resources, home to a wealth of articles and videos, on topics ranging from the history of digital connectivity in the workplace, through to predictions on future real estate technology trends.

    You’ll also be the first to know about new WiredScore products and services as they come to market, meaning your clients will be some of the first in the world to benefit from scorecard updates and new WiredScore certifications.

  3. Create a point of difference
    Becoming a WiredScore AP differentiates you from your peers in the market. Technological change happens fast, and by becoming a WiredScore AP you are future-proofing yourself, your business and that of your clients by positioning yourself at the cutting edge of in-building digital connectivity.Technology is about to break into a new frontier: with 5G set to become mainstream, the future of urban design and development will be impacted significantly (predominantly due to the differences in speed of service it enables). As part of the WiredScore AP training program, we will provide all of the relevant information to set yourself apart as a knowledgeable expert on the ever-changing landscape of digital connectivity in real estate.

WiredScore’s Mission

At WiredScore, we’re on a mission to make the world’s buildings smarter and better connected to enable a more collaborative, innovative and dynamic future.

Landlords are beginning to look beyond the pandemic, turning their focus to how they can attract tenants back into city centre offices. In turn, tenants are asking increasingly sophisticated questions of the digital connectivity that their office spaces can provide.

The commercial and residential real estate markets are set to become increasingly polarized, as some developers and landlords rise to the challenge of meeting tenant needs, whilst others fail to act. Buildings that are developed or refurbished to provide (and adapt to) the latest technologies for digital connectivity will thrive, whilst those that do not will become obsolete.

As a WiredScore Accredited Professional (AP), you will have the knowledge and skills to be a driving force behind digital transformation across the real estate sector. Our industry-leading training will enable you to advise your clients on how they can future-proof both new developments and occupied buildings.

Become a WiredScore AP today!

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