Contact your AP expert

Schedule a call with our in-market experts at any time— kick-start your AP journey with our insights from your market or if you are currently working with a client, benefit from our advice on updating and optimizing your pitch deck.
We’re here to help you succeed as a WiredScore AP

US & Canada

Dominic Schiavo

UK & Ireland

Rory Young

UK & Ireland

Esther Jourdan

Italy, Spain & Portugal

Will Buttery

DACH, Nordics & the Netherlands

Julius Fischer


Merle Aldegarmann

Belgium, France & Luxembourg

Natalia Turkiewicz

Middle East

John Hilliard

Australia, New Zealand & Hong Kong

Ed Jennings

For the rest of the world

Contact AP support

Promote your accreditation(s)

Share your accreditations on your social channels to promote your new services to your existing and prospective clients.

Update your pitch deck

Start preparing for your first client pitch using our resources.

Resource center

Looking for resources like certification guidelines and scorecards? You can find it all in the AP Platform in your dashboard:

Open AP tools and guidelines

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